Annual Divisional Church Service
On Sunday 11th June 2017, several dozen Red Cross Knights, together with wives and families, gathered at St. John the Baptist Church. Bretherton, for the annual Divisional Church Service. The venue having been chosen as an alternative whilst Croston church is being renovated.
The Conclave Standards were placed in the Chancel prior to the service commencing. The procession into the Church, led by the Deputy Intendant-General, in lieu of the Intendant-General who is still incapacitated, was organised by Ill. Knight Geoff Gill, the Divisional Marshal, ensuring everyone was in the correct position, to facilitate us all fitting into the Church.
We were welcomed, by Eminent Knight Gratten Williams, Divisional Organist, and a Reader in the Diocese of Liverpool, who led the Service, ably supported by Ill.Kt. Jack Gore, P.G.Vice-Chamberlain, acting Organist for the day.
V.Ill Knight Frederick E. Hargreaves, the Deputy Intendant-General, read the first lesson, taken from the Old Testament. After some hearty singing of Hymns, the Divisional Recorder, Ill. Kt. Neil Cooper read the second lesson, taken from the New Testament, after which, a very enjoyable and relevant sermon, was delivered by Em.Kt. Gratten Williams.
At the conclusion of the service, the procession left the church to the resounding tune of ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’.  After the Conclave Standards were recovered, we enjoyed Tea and Lemon Drizzle Cakes, baked by Mrs. Ann Cooper, from a Mary Berry recipe, which I am sure Mary would have been proud of. All of which rounded off a very enjoyable afternoon of Christian Masonry.
Article By Iain Brown, Div. Eusebius
Photographs Courtesy of Colin Rowland